Most people are turned off with the thought of reading a romance novel. Most men feel that romance novels are overrated and all have the same ending. Some even try to relate romance novels with soap operas.
However, there is a power with romance novels that most people have not mastered. Romance novels are the recollection of a person’s life filled with excitement, thrills, journeys, and different life experiences. The pervasive idea of romance novels bears no water. Here are the reasons why you should be hooked on some erotic romance novels.
1. The Rise of Feminism Takes Center Stage
There is nothing to feel ashamed about when you fall in love with a good love story in a novel. Most women do not get attached to the story-line of the novel which speaks volumes of female power and the ability of a woman to make decisions. It is through these decisions that it impacts their success in love and life in the end.
In most cases, women stand as the authors of most romance novels. This is a great thing because it addresses the female power and pleasure. Additionally, it promotes an open discussion of love in a healthy manner.
2. Getting Around the Concept of Love
Most critics and general society have constantly made their final voice concerning the face of romance novels and its place in society. This mental construct has gotten to many women who feel a bit reserved to pull out an erotic romance novel in public. There are also limited conversations about the novels in book clubs hosted by women.
The power of the book holds a lot of significance in fighting back against the stigma. When reading a romance novel, you get the feeling of appreciating the concept of love while you invest real time in it. It take cognizance of the fact that we are human beings hence crave the feeling of love. It empowers the readers in openly discussing and applying it in their everyday lives.
3. Lessons from Love Mistakes from Characters
Experts have regarded reading as reliving through the eyes of different people all around the world. It moves us through non-existent worlds which we are locked out physically. You embark on a romantic journey through the eyes of the lead character. This makes you accepting of the fact that people make mistakes and solve all problems that surround love.
This is without having a serious effect on one’s life. The lesson cannot only be applied when you have similar issues in your relationship. It teaches an important lesson on the importance of communication, problem-solving and loyalty in your relations with your partner.
4. Feel the Freedom
There is a certain degree of freedom we get from engaging in a romantic story while re-imagining every aspect in our head rather than on a screen. While reading, you get to picture the character as build them in your mind. It becomes much easier to imagine yourself as the lead character while becoming more invested in the actual story.